Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bebo For Children?

Is a space on Bebo any better for an 11 year old than a MySpace? Is there any way to make either one of them really safe if your child has computer saavy and wants to meet strangers?

Bebo For Children?
Neither are totaly safe, but I've used both and you can make them semi-safe.

On Bebo, you can check the box that says "make my profile private". This means only friends that your child has added can view their profile. MySpace has something similar. However, if your child actually wants to met strangers then he/she can still talk to them.

Overall, I would say Bebo is the better option because it is much easier to use for younger children and the average age of a Bebo user is younger than a MySpace user. Paedophiles and the like tend to look on MySpace for their "pray", simply because more people use it.

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